Lifegate Rehabilitation



Lifegate in April 2024

Lifegate in April 2024 

In April, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate under the headings: Further trai­ning at Lifegate; Early inter­ven­ti­on; New trai­ning program at Lifegate…

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News­let­ter Easter 2024

News­let­ter Easter 2024 

There is new news from Beit Jala in this year’s Easter news­let­ter. This includes reports on Jaad’s first steps in life and the plea­sing deve­lo­p­ment of seve­ral child­ren in LIFE­GA­TE’s early…

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Lifegate in Febru­ary 2024

Lifegate in Febru­ary 2024 

In Febru­ary, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on the many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate under the heading Fort­u­na­te­ly, our work at Lifegate is a joy and, above all, makes sense! Are you…

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Lifegate in Janu­ar 2024

Lifegate in Janu­ar 2024 

IIn Janu­ary, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on many wonderful things that have happen­ed at Lifegate, for exam­p­le in the early inter­ven­ti­on work, Lifegate Garden or the story of Besan at Lifegate. Are…

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Lifegate in Decem­ber 2023

Lifegate in Decem­ber 2023 

In Novem­ber, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports on the various fields of work and A heart­felt thank you at the end of the year Are you curious about the topics behind the head­lines or what else is inside?…

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Christ­mas letter 2023

Christ­mas letter 2023 

This year’s Christ­mas letter from Burk­hard Schun­kert and the Lifegate team. Enjoy reading!Here you can find the Christ­mas letter as a PDF file.

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Lifegate in Novem­ber 2023

Lifegate in Novem­ber 2023 

In Novem­ber, Burg­hard Schun­kert reports, among other things, about sport with our young adults, about the bridges are stan­ding! and about Lifegate Garden. Are you curious about the topics behind the…

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News­let­ter Advent 2023

News­let­ter Advent 2023 

There is new news from Beit Jala in this year’s Advent news­let­ter. This includes reports about two boys who are making great stri­des in their deve­lo­p­ment; about Ramez, a new appren­ti­ce, and a new…

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Lifegate in Octo­ber 2023

Lifegate in Octo­ber 2023 

In Octo­ber, Burk­hard Schun­kert reports on topics such as …(Almost) ever­y­thing revol­ves around good food…, all about the olive harve­st and Lifegate is built on rock. Are you curious to find out…

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